Napoleon has fallen prey to nagging doubts about the Prussians. Supposing they
weren’t completely beaten at Ligny. What if Grouchy mucks up their pursuit? At
breakfast, listening to Count Drouot’s account of his battlefield recce, and
the remarkably defensive ground to be found east at the Lasne defile, Napoleon
decides to insure his right flank: Lobau will defend much further to the east
to block any Prussians coming west like a cork in a bottle…Who knows, if
Grouchy understands his intention and falls on the Prussian rear, the Prussians
could be surrounded and crushed once and for all. If that happens Wellington
would scuttle away to Brussels and beyond without even having to be seriously
scenario assumes that Grouchy obeyed his orders rather than understanding
Napoleon’s intent and is thus far away at Wavre.
As the
Prussians do turn up in force, and pressure Lobau, D’Erlons I Corps inevitably
gets drawn east in support. However Wellington spots this and is relieved to
see a chance to link up with the Prussians early, despatching increasing number
of his forces to either intercept D’Erlon or support the Prussians directly…
Ground and Daylight.
All heights have a Crest
line 2 inches from their edge, and thereafter are flat plateaus. The area
around from the edge to the ridge is Difficult Terrain.
Allies start
the Game on Move 8. Game ends at move 30 with nightfall.
Victory Conditions and Army Morale.
There are 2
objectives, the LASNE road crossing and the crossroads outside PLANCENOIT.
Winner will hold both at game end; or win through attrition:
French Army
Morale Break Point is 8; Anglo
Allied is 6; Prussian is 8
Prussians IV
Corps: Gary and Alan
Western Flank: Peter and David
French VI
Corps, Young Guard: Caesar
French Cav
Corps I and IV; Guard Cavalry, I Corps: Sparker
Alan, Caesar, Gary, Sparker, David, Peter |
What happened:
The French
deployed first – Lobau’s VI Corps within the Lasne Defile to the east, the
French Cavalry over on the left within 4 BWs of the French table edge.
The Allies then
deployed, the Prussians with their complete orbat within 3 BWs of their table
edge, the Anglo-Allies just their initial wave of cavalry and horse artillery.
The French then
got to make a free Reserve move to react to the advancing allies, which allowed
me to move a Heavy Cavalry Corps halfway across the table to confound a
Prussian attempt to blitz across south of the Lasne Defile, and thus circumvent
Caesar’s strong defences.
The Anglo
Allies then got their first move – No. 8.
Both the
Prussians and Anglos can on fast and aggressively, and over on my flank
opposite Frasnes there were a good deal of cavalry jockeying and charges, with
honours just about even.
The horse
battery I had sent across with the Heavy Cavalry also found the range very
quickly and steadily attrited the Prussian infantry on the left of their line.
On the Western
end of the table, the arrival of the Guard Cavalry with 3 very powerful units
soon forced the Allied lighter cavalry to fall back with prejudice.
I probably
should have been happy with that but
instead took the decision to follow these units up...
in the hope they would be force
to retire off their table edge.
With hindsight,
this confined these fine units to a minor role and steady combat degradation in
a succession of cavalry engagements with reinforcing units – some of them
equally heavy…
Indeed the
battle on this side of the table was characterised by successive waves of
reinforcements affecting the ebb and flow of the battle.
When the Young Guard
corps arrived, Caesar’s position was looking distinctly shaky,
with a Prussian
Landwehr unit having forced, wait for it...
a French line unit off the objective – how
embarrassment! And this was to become something of a...
Recurring theme...
The Young Guard
were duly despatched eastwards, but they would have a lot of ground to cover
before they made an impact!
At this stage we realised the scenario would have
been improved by some sort of scenario specific March Order – units outside of
4 BW of the enemy may activate to once again become unrevealed and so can make
a Reserve move in the following turn.
At this point
D’Erlon’s I Corps had arrived as reinforcements, but their deployment was
fouled by a lingering Guard Horse artillery battery which had not been able to
be activated off the edge of the table. Nevertheless a heavy battery and horse
battery were able to be deployed with clear lines of fire to the Allied cavalry
and squares, and the gunners set to their grim task in this target rich environment - no ridge to hide behind over on this flank!
and were well set up to push forward...
and their deliberate approach, whilst incurring artillery and musketry casualties...
seemed to be paying off as they steadily pushed back or broke brigade after brigade...
to match D'Erlon unit for unit...

But the Black Flags and the Thin Red Line held out!
Napoleon loses Waterloo! Who'd ha' thunk it!
Landwehr for the win!
ReplyDeleteInteresting take on Waterloo (a rather stale encounter in my opinion), looks like you all had fun with pretty toys on an attrative table - what more could you ask for?
Best wishes,
Thanks Jeremy - yes it can be tough wargaming Waterloo without it turning it into a slugfest..
DeleteA fresh approach to the Waterloo campaign with nice toys and great rules. Excellent!
ReplyDeleteThanks Charles most kind!
DeleteEpic, bloody and superb, one blame, the French defeat, but otherwise the battle report is perfect!😊
ReplyDeleteMerci Bien Phil - Caesar and I tried our best for the Emperor, but - c'est la Guerre!
DeleteWell done! An interesting play out of alternative history. Of course, you could also play out a scenario where Marshall Grouchy does back track, march to the sound of the guns and saves His Imperial Majesty at Waterloo!
ReplyDeleteThanks mate - yes once we have more models!
DeleteDamn those Landwehr! Spectacular and riveting battle to the end.
ReplyDeleteMany thanks, Caesar
Yes it went right down the wire...