Monday, 9 October 2023

Team Yankee: Screening Cherries


For this Sunday's Solo game I dug out my burgeoning 15mm Soviet T-80 force: 11 x T-80...

And a couple of BMP-3, together forming a forward security element of the 7th Guards Tank Division from the 3rd Shock Army.

They would be attacking an ad-hoc 7th Armoured Brigade combat team also deployed as a forward screen: Five Royal Hussars Challenger Is supported by a couple of Bundeswehr Luchs patrols...

And a Milan MR ATGW detachment from 3rd Bn The Queen's Regiment:

The NATO Combat team, codename Cherrypicker One One, tasked to delay the Soviet advance guard from accessing the Autobahn network, settled in to wait...

The thrum of distance gas turbines soon indicated contact was imminent...

The BMP-3 recce element leading the way.

CONTACT FRONT! The Guards Tankers lost no time deploying out of their vulnerable columns!

And making full use of every available scrap of cover.

But they were coming on fast, confident in their laminate and explosive reactive armour.

It certainly provided protection against a volley of Milans!

Even the Chally's 120mm Fin rounds rarely proved effective!

The Tankisti raced on at shocking speed, turning the battle into a knife fight! 

Meanwhile the BMP-3 scouts were detached to hunt down the Luchs, which had attempted to infiltrate behind the Soviets...

Back at the forward edge of the battle area, the NATO defences were getting overwhelmed...

Taking heavy punishment, the survivors withdrew to their fall back positions, leaving a key autobahn junction to the leading wave of the 3rd Shock Army!


  1. Call for artillery support. Great looking game.

    1. Thanks mate! Yes but I'm two minds about how to handle arty when playing TY in 15mm scale. On table arty in this scale just looks wrong, but I need to develop an off table arty work around...
