Friday, 5 January 2024

Flames of War 12mil: Kirovograd!


Eighty years ago, the Soviet Union’s ten grand offensives of 1944 started and ended in the south of the massive eastern front, concentrating on destroying Army Group South and the various splinter Army Groups it collapsed into. First the Western Ukraine from December ’43 to April ’44, and then the Carpathians and Budapest from August ’44 to February ’45.

With only an overall superiority of 1.6 to 1, Soviet superior leadership and planning at strategic and operational levels repeatedly massed overwhelming local odds against a skilful and stubborn defence. Both sides maximised armour, artillery and close air support to make up for increasingly rare manpower, in a series of desperate, titanic armoured clashes that raged from the Dnepr then all the way 500 miles west to the Vistula.

We join the northern pincer of Konev’s 2nd Ukrainian Front as the attack to surround Kirovograd is launched on the 5th January…

The Mission is BUYING TIME, Germans defending…

The temperature is below freezing so the snowy ground is hard, making for fast movement. The sky is clear, ideal flying weather. The terrain is flat and open - very open...

The Red Army has 220 points, including 21 T-34-85s. The Germans 110, mainly 7 Panthers. Despite the apparently hopeless odds, Darren volunteers to be the German player.

Stuart and Daniel, the Russian team, lose no time in launching an air strike. If this is successful, half of Darren's points could be wiped out in Turn 1! However the iron bombs are frozen solid to the cradles and the mission is aborted...

The Russians instead rely on their trusty Tridsachetnies and Motor Rifles to cross the start line...

Darren, faced with overwhelming odds, deploys his ambush unit of PaK40s right away and they start whittling away at the T-34-85s that are making a beeline for the objective...

A second strike from Frontal Aviation with cannon has more success, bailing out a Panther.

But combined with the PaKs, as soon as the Panthers get the range the T-34s, advancing across the wide open spaces of the Ukrainian steppe, have no chance...

The T-34-76s become a little more circumspect!

Much is riding on the flying tanks but they have yet to intervene decisively...

At this point the Russian team realise the Germans won't be a pushover - but they are alert rather than alarmed!

Coordinating advances by both formations of T-34 and the Motor Rifles, and with the guns of the Red God of War having continuously pummelled the Panzer Grenadiers dug in around the objective, they break cover for the objective...

However its the Luftwaffe's turn to strike!

They strike deep! Surviving T-34-76s desperately charge the Panthers and bag one with a side shot. 

Despite having to abandon the objective, the firepower of the Panthers and PaKs manages to stall the attack. With neither side's victory conditions met, this is a hard fought draw! 


  1. I think in this situation a ‘hard fought draw’ is a respectable result from both sides and an indication of an intense game. I had forgotten that we are entering the 80th anniversary of a very significant year.

    1. Yes you've summed the game up nicely. Hoping to regularly game 80th anniversaries of 1944 as we progress through the year...

  2. A fine game and a bloody draw for sure. Shame the infantry never got into the action though:(. I'm planning on some 1944 games and campaigns this year, after you pointed out it's the 80th anniversary, so will look forward to see what you get up to too:).

    1. Thanks Steve! Yes the Motor Rifles were massing for an assault on the objective but the Arty did the job for them first! Looking forward to seeing your #44in2024 games...

  3. Big table big game. Nice eye candy as well.

    1. Thanks mate very kind and grateful for the support!

  4. That looks like a very good game..really like your basing and terrain bits.

    1. Thanks Jim - yes had to make the bases up - not strictly 1/144th of the 15mm official bases sizes but close enough!
