Sunday 26 May 2024

IPMS Show 2024: Black Seas

The Illawarra Plastic Modellers Association's annual show has now also become the Wollongong Wargamer's chance to showcase our hobby to an admiring bemused public.

The aim is to put one visually stimulating games whilst maximising the opportunity for public participation, so the more factions and commands available the better. For one of our naval games - Black Seas - we therefore chose the War of 1812...

With a twist - the action would take place off the Barbary Coast of North Africa, providing the opportunity for additional commands and mischief...

The table was therefore set up with a United States squadron in one corner (top right), Royal Navy fleet in another (top centre corner), and three rival pirate squadrons infesting the shallow waters nearer the coast.

Two of the pirate squadrons manned Fore and Aft rigged xebecs, whilst the third, skulking in the inlet, manned galleys. Both types of vessel could use oars and were ideal for shallow waters and could sail much closer to the wind than the British or US Square Riggers.

Obviously the real aim of the game was to engage with members of the public, showcasing our hobby.

Which my mate Darren is an absolute natural at!

Darren also produced all the stunning terrain representing the North African coast and rocks and shoals.

But what really caught my eye was the detail and painting that Darren put into the forts:

Just gorgeous!

We did get a lot of interest from the public, and a couple of young children actually had a go - choosing the pirates, obviously!

And Darren and I found the time to have a bit of xebec action ourselves, and really enjoyed the manoeuvrability and versatility of these vessels.

My thanks to Darren for his tremendous efforts in putting on this game and being a great ambassador for our hobby!


  1. A splendid game and a great way to showcase our hobby. Our local IPMS show does have wargames too and has had for some years, but generally of not very good quality I must say:(.

    1. Thanks Steve for your kind comment. I'm sure your mob will get there in the end, it took us a few years attendance to get organised!
