Friday 23 August 2024

Achtung Panzer! Op TRACTABLE


80 years ago, in Normandy, the Falaise Gap was closing. Germans fought desperately to break out. The Wollongong Wargamers adapted the Bolt Action Op TRACTABLE scenario to Achtung Panzer to recall a tiny part of the action.

The stage is set. The Canadian team, Darren and Daniel, have deployed in deep cover, knowing the panzers have to come to them...

The German player, Stuart, has allocated maximum crew stars to his drivers, as it is their skill that will enable him to reach his goal of getting at least half his panzers off the Canadian table edge...

Early on he discovers the bridge will only take one Panther at a time...

Whilst this is our third game of Achtung Panzer, its the first time we used card play and asset cards. German infantry, also attempting to sneak out of the pocket, wield their panzerfausts from ambush terrain to take a rear shot at a Firefly and destroy it!

The Sherman Vs will have to shoulder more of the burden - but in this scenario mobility kills against a Panther's running gear will do the job of preventing their escape...

However the lead Panther gets the kill in first!

Its beginning to look like traffic jams are Stuart's biggest challenge!

RAF Typhoons, who historically wreaked havoc at this time, are conspicuous by their absence in our little game! 

The Sherman Vs valiantly jockey for side shots with volley after volley of desperate Snap Shots...these need both dice to roll a 5 or 6.

And indeed all their rolls showed a 5 or a 6 - but only one each time alas! Stuart's panzers have a free run off the table and freedom! 

We found that using the cards not only made for a much more exciting (frustrating?) game, but also gave scope to tailor the scenario historically. This bodes well for future scenarios reflecting other key armoured engagements of WW2 that took place in close terrain, particularly as the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge looms...


  1. Funnily enought this morning I was thinking you hadn't post any Normandy games for a while, but Hey Presto!, only for me to find this latest post! As always a great game with lovely miniatures and terrain:).

    1. Thanks Steve very kind! Been away for a few weeks so lost momentum...
