Wednesday 17 July 2024

Valour & Fortitude ACW: The Battle of Sailor's Creek

Having finally found a midweek creche venue for all-day games (the uni seems to have another use for its classrooms during daylight hours), Darren and I booked a table at Grimdark Gaming for some ACW action. We weren't too sure of the space available so went for a smallish (in Epic terms) Corps sized game: 

The Confederates were retreating to link up with Johnston's army out West, and things were going fairly well when disaster struck! The Army's wagon and artillery train bogged down at Double Bridges over Sailor's Creek. Gordon's Corps was forced to turn and stand fast to allow the vital trains to be freed and get clear of Union pursuit.

Darren commanded the Union army with a slight numerical superiority, and as the attacker had the first turn.

To my alarm he detached one Brigade to his far left flank, presumably to assault the Lockett Farm.

Leaving him plenty to keep my entire frontage engaged.

Sure enough the first Union attack was on the farm, threatening the major objective of the Waggon train.

My left flank on the other hand looked fairly secure.

And I was happy with my centre too - at this stage!

My dice soon warmed up and the firefights were general and bloody.

But it was soon confirmed that Darren was making his main effort on his left...time to commit my reserves!

Which of course failed to activate!

Given the devastating firefights, we were both pulling units out of the line to rally them from a safe distance - but I couldn't really afford to give too much ground away...

Did I mention my left flank was doing just fine? In fact two Union Regiments routed, but the brigade passed its Fortitude test. 

Whereas my centre and right hand brigades were losing units hand over fist - I picked up 3 defeat points from Wavering Brigades.

After a few more firefights and even a series of assaults took the Lockett Farm I had run out of fresh units and the tipping point was reached, my reserve unable to reach the crisis point in time.

Darren had broken through to the objective and, to add insult to injury, gleefully played a fate card on me:

So as twilight fell on the last battlefield of this epic struggle, the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia reflected on a hard fought but bitter defeat, 7-2.

My thanks to Darren for a great game and to the friendly team at Grimdark Gaming for hosting us and making us feel so welcome!


  1. Thanks Ralph, always enjoy these. Looks like V&F did a good job especially in highlighting the value of having fresh troops to rotate in.

    1. Thanks Norm, glad you enjoyed reading it. Yes very impressed with how V&F handled this battle - I really got a feel of things going well then gradually deteriorating until a tipping point was reached and it all went downhill fast.

  2. That is a great looking game and scenario too. Loved how the army slowly degraded as the action progressed, until it was almost hors de combat.

    1. Thanks Steve - very kind. Yes that's exactly what happened, all credit to these great rules.
