Friday 12 July 2024

Flames of War: St Lo Counter Offensive


80 years ago, to the day. 

The mission layout was inverted so that the US defender's deployment area approximated TF Yankee's starting position historically. This also flipped the potential arrival points for the US reserves...

Peter provided and commanded the US Forces; TF 'Yankee' from the US 3rd Armored Division, who were new in theatre and inexperienced. 

Daniel commanded Panzer Lehr, taking the on-table Panther troop and both Pz Grenadier platoons. I was his loyal deputy, taking the second Panther platoon once it arrived out of reserve, and the Nebs.

True to German Auftragstaktik, our plan was evolved on the fly rather than the result of a formal appreciation, but with the benefit of hindsight we selected the best course open to us...

I think Peter's plan was dictated by the mission and deployment areas: obviously he put the TDs in ambush, and kept his best tanks in reserve, hoping that their random place of arrival would be useful at the time!

Daniel led off with his Panthers straight down the road to the near objective according to plan

Although I hadn't expected the Formation Commander, in the dark coloured Panther below, to lead the attack!

The area around St Lo was classic bocage country: sure enough the area was infested with US infantry armed with Bazookas - one of which destroyed our Formation Commander's Panther!

Peter later revealed that, for all its apparent lack of subtelty, Daniel's 'bull in a china shop' approach to tank warfare in close country...

Led him to deploy his ambush of TD's sooner than he would have liked.

Whilst Peter's delayed reserves were indeed delayed beyond reasonable dice rolling odds, ours arrived right on schedule and so I had been diligently pushing up the scenic route on the banks of the River Vire.

I made full use of 'Cross Here' and 'Follow Me' movement orders to try to get to the objectives before any US reserves turned up...nearly, but not quite! The US reserves did arrive in more or less the most useful spot, but sensibly focussed on getting into cover!

Back at the OK Corral, Daniel was duking it out with scads of Sherman 75s and M10 TDs...

Initially he was doing OK despite US attempts to close his vulnerable flanks..

But he was so focussed on dodging jockeying Shermans...

That he forgot those pesky grunts and the heroic Bazooka Joe!

Another 800,000 Reichsmark Panther lost to a 3 inch drainpipe! At this point Daniel thought 'Verdamnt! In for a pfennig, in for a Reichsmark!' and charged home on the objective.

However TF Yankee held that objective to the end!

Meanwhile I was having a lovely time on the sun dappled banks of the River...

I sculled my beer, wiped the froth from my lips, and gently motored across to the objective for the win!

Thanks to Peter for a great research tip: The Panzer Lehr Counter-attack at le Désert and for providing the US forces and lots of hedges! Daniel as ever was a fun team mate and enthusiastic and courteous player. Op GOODWOOD next!


  1. Nice writeup, I seeing burnt out tanks :)

    1. Thanks Richard! Yes it was pretty brutal on the left flank!

  2. Another cracking game and one which reminds me at some point I need to do an American force, which I at least the figures for!
