Sunday 7 July 2024

Valour & Fortitude: Epic Skirmish


I don't really have enough Warlord Epic scale Napoleonics for a proper battle yet. But for this week's Sunday Solo I got out what I had to refresh my memory on the most excellent Valour & Fortitude rules.

Also for painting motivation - there's nothing like a game to realise what's missing from your orbat!

My two small British brigades (with stand-in Prussians for Brunswickers) were arraigned in the traditional reverse slope position securely defending just half of their deployment zone. The other half with its objective, was left to the cavalry to cover as best they could. 

The French however could afford to go large and spread right out:

Needless to say the British cavalry needed no further excuse to get tore in:

But if they got wiped out they would leave the table wide open...

The Royals did well, wiping out two infantry units in two successive charges, forcing 2 defeat points on the French...

Before being themselves scattered to the four winds by the French Dragoon brigade.

That left a lone British Hussar Regiment - the 'Chainy' 10th - to hold the line. 

However cunning French card play rubbed them out too! With each British horse unit counting as a brigade, the British now also had two defeat points.

In their sixth turn, a Rifles detachment snuck up to within 6 inches of the middle objective. The French held two, now the British two also. With both armies holding two defeat points, the skirmish was inconclusive. The game, however, was fun!


  1. Wonderful painting of the figures! Truly epic in scale.

  2. A fine battle there that really does look good and shows you that you don't need lots of units to have a fun game:).

    1. Thanks Steve! Yes the fewer units the more relaxed the pace I guess!

  3. Looking good. Stupid question time, do you have many more to paint ??

    1. Thanks mate! Oh yes, I now have a completely new plastic mountain of shame!

  4. Great looking game. Nice Batrep!
